Hotel Bosco

16 years ago...

What has happened to the cool bar, Hotel Bosco.

It started off so promising but has gone massively down hill, the food is now below standard and a far cry from the restaurant dining of last year , waiting time for drink and food is below acceptable.

I personally will never return to this establishment unless something drastic is done soon.


I thought the food was not that bad. It is a fun and lively place, nice staff and the best thing of all, no Mothers with Buggies.

Went there for first time on Friday night. Cocktails lovely but really dodgy clientele. I went in to the ladies to be faced with two girls kissing in the corner and two blokes coming out of the cubicle. Nice! Needless to say, will not be returning.

Sounds pretty normal for Surbiton,we are very metro sexual here.

"Wetherspoons and Corkys are just an embarrassment to Surbiton"

B[filtered word].

IMHO places like Bosco are an embarrassment: dreadful from the minute it opened. It seems a lot of Surbitonians aspire to this kind of bar: bland, shiny and pricey. So it has attracted the wrong kind of people for you... perhaps those "wrong" people share your ideas about what a good bar is?

I'm not a regular Surbiton pub-goer, but I've never had a bad time in Wetherspoons (nice range of beer and great prices) or the Victoria (had an incredible burger in there recently)...

I agree that Wetherspoons serves a purpose, but the problem is that cheap prices normally bring a threatening brand of clientele. I go to Bosco quite a lot, not because of the type of bar that it is, but because you just don't get so many chavs in there (at least on the times that I have been there) as you would in Wetherspoons. Corky's is even worse.

The Vic is a different matter altogether. It is a great pub, but unfortunately it probably only remains so because they charge £3.50+ per pint.

Hotel bosco are now going into liquidation no surprise there!

I went in there with a mate recently just for a quick pint while waiting for the excellent fish and chips to be made across the road in Pisces (best in surbiton). The service was awful, far too slow, on barman poncing about making slow and crappy looking cocktails while the other collected glasses in a half empty bar while we were waiting.

So we walked out and had a quickie in the weatherspoons.

Whether you charge less or loads, service has got to be good. Anyone that doesnt provide that should deserve to fail.

Cant beat a proper pub, with proper service like the black lion or the Vic.

it is getting dodgy. I 've been going there since the start and more recently on two occasions I have been in threatening situations at the bar which has made a good night bad.


I have not been in for a while, but it is a shame to hear that this type of thing is happening.

The problem is that the chavs that have grown up with unregulated places like The Works etc when they were 16-20 are now 25+ and are looking for somewhere more 'exclusive'. It is a great shame as it should be perfectly possible to open a place like this in Surbiton and not have it over-run with trouble-making chavs - it would have been 5 years ago.

It seems that the only way to avoid this is to go really low key, like Gordon Bennett. The chavs won't go there because the music is not loud enough and the drinks are too expensive. This is fine, but what about when nornal people fancy going somewhere with louder music and cheaper drinks?

They stopped having Djs on Friday/Saturday nights as it was attracting the wrong type of people according to one of the barstaff.
Shame, the herberts always ruin things for eveyone else.

It is a shame, but maybe to be expected. The chavs favourite St Marks Tavern has now shut down, so that only leaves Wetherspoons for them to go to. It only stands to reason that they will start to colonise somewhere else, and Bosco is right in the firing line (get tanked up on cheapp booze from Wetherspoons and then go next door)

I hope that they sort it out, because it is a nice venue.

I had noticed Bosco's getting a little worse, but not as bad as it's being painted on here - although I've not been for a couple of months. I'm not unhappy that St Marks Tavern has closed, although it looks horrible with boarded up windows. You are probably right in that it means they've moved on to other pubs and bars. I'd never dream of going to Wetherspoons these days, and as for Corky's...

Wetherspoons and Corkys are just an embarrassment to Surbiton, even though I know must towns have their fair share of dodgy bars.

It is a shame for Bosco that they are based in this vicinity. I sometimes avoid going there if I am with people from outside the area, as I know it will mean walking past Wetherspoons.

I hate seeing all of these boarded up shops. I prefer to see almost anything in there than them being empty (even Subway!). Corkys is no exception, if only because it keeps these people out of the better pubs.

In response to Bosco's marvelous Sunday Lunchtime Opera sessions Corky's are having 'Bridge Evenings'. All we then need is the Coronation Hall to enter a team for the Krypton Factor!

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