Red Lion Pub - Redevelopment - Ewell Road - Tolworth

16 years ago...

Has anyone got any further news on this:

It's a pdf on the plans for the redevelopment of the old Red Lion pub in Tolworth.
Looks like it's the same firm that built the new flats opposite Surbiton station.
A mix of shops and 69 flats with commercial premises also (including keeping the pub)
Did anyone go to the open day back in November?
Apparently there are plans for a hotel near Tolworth roundabout too.


In answer to 21 Century life. new build can be fine but the extent of new build in the Tolworth/Ewell area could have a serious consequence on the very old Victorian infrastructure, sewers, water pipes, gas etc. Underground parking for 69 flats/houses but what about the additional cars of visitors, shop and pub customers. At least with the old pub half the land was was car parking. This pub sits on a very busy junction.

The proposed development of the Red Lion Public House
Who was invited to the Public Consultation as I live just up the road and was not.
This development is massive and totally out of character for the Ewell Road. Look at the height, it would be considerably higher than any residental properties on the Ewell Road and Red Lion Road.
Underground parking, more soil removed and along with the development at 2a Ellerton Road with underground parking on a flood risk area what is to become of the infrastructure on the Ewell Road.
Enough is enough, lets hope lots of residents are prepared to stand up and be counted at any planning meetings.
Ewell Road resident

In reply to the height issue:
Storey heights complementary to Ewell Road to match existing buildings and reduction of scale to match the residential
character of Red Lion Road.
Also most of the shop fronts along that parade are shocking. Apart from Budgens what else has had a spruce up in the last 10 years??!!

I don't see it being such a bad idea personally, I too am a local resident and I think it's about time some 21st Century LIFE came into the area. The area lacks investment and surely this proposal is not such a bad thing.
What is it that we're really scared of??

I have just been on the CNM website and they appear to be operating all over the place. They state this about the Red Lion Pub site
"Bought unconditionally, this mixed-use development will replace the existing public house and provide 69 residential units and commercial floor space. Advanced design and construction techniques will ensure a sustainable, attractive and eco-friendly development."
How can they say this when to date a planning application has not been put into the system. They also bought unconditionally the 2a Ellerton Road site. They were not the people getting the planning permisson that was Grayswood. Ellerton Road 23 flats and shops only got planning permission on a second application by one vote even though the reasons for refusal were still the same. Some of the conditions set for the build involve having a flood evacuation plan and other conditions set to do with flooding because of the underground parking on flood risk 2/3

Update update
Despite local opposition ellerton road has just been granted a 3 year time extension, they may put a tesco express there, it will be on floodzone 3 so no houses can be built on the majority of the site at ground level, basement car park though new local swimming pool!
However on the red lion site they have leased the site to a car wash & car sales operator and this use is in breach of planning control, leaving them liable to formal enforcement action and ultimately prosecution. This unauthorised use of the site must be decided by the local neighbourhood Committee which as the Nov meeting has been cancelled it will have to wait until the December. In the meantime if you disgaree with a developer using his land for unauthorised use, email planning enforcement at rbkt . And to think residents fought a 3 year campaign to save the landmark red lion pub

Just to add to the above
I contacted the planning dept. regarding any breach of planning consent for the use of the Red Lion site as a 'Hand Car Wash' and received a lengthy reply dated 15th Nov which included the following points:

'I have spoken to the owner of the site, and informed him that he is responsible in law for a breach of planning control, leaving him liable to formal enforcement action and ultimately prosecution. Normal procedure would be for the Council’s planning committee to decide whether formal enforcement action is expedient to stop the use at their next public meeting, which is the 15th Dec.

I have taken legal advice on this subject, particularly with a view to the Councils options regarding ‘emergency’ enforcement action which could be taken between now and the next committee meeting on the 15th Dec.

The law allows any land to be used for any purpose for 28 days of a calendar year without planning permission being required (there are one or two exceptions but they don’t apply in this instance), so we can’t take any form of action until the use is 28 days old.

This law is to allow Temporary land uses, and is aimed at facilitating anything from village fetes to a circus, to festivals to events, but it covers this use for the next few weeks (by my estimation up to the end of the month).

There are no loopholes we can use, I’m afraid that the law simply prevents us from taking even emergency action until the end of the month. I will use that time to compile views from planning, highways and environmental health colleagues on the impact of the use so that the Council can consider the appropriate course of action.

Finally, I note that a planning application for ‘Retention of site as car wash and car sales for temporary period until 30 May 2011’ has been submitted. The reference number is 10/10225/FUL and the case officer is Paul Young. Regardless of enforcement action I strongly suggest that you make representations on the application.'

Hope this answers any questions.

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