9 St. Mark's Hill
These days a lot of people are facing career dilemmas, for example what to do to be happy, how to get back into work, how to cope with overload, etc.
A couple of innovations are happening in Surbiton which readers may like to know about. The first is a free event open to all, the second is an invitation to join a affordable form of career coaching in groups.
The free event is the Career Dilemmas London Meetup, taking place on Wednesday 27th April at 6.30pm at the Hotel Bosco Lounge. The Meetup can be booked only here http://www.meetup.com/Career-Dilemmas-London/events/17356684/
What's the point of the Meetup? Well, the art of solving career dilemmas is communication. A face to face Meetup gives interested people the chance to share, question, plan and move forward with a career move. The Career Dilemmas London Meetup is hosted by a Group leader, who will present and facilitate.
The group career coaching event is the start of a Kingston-Surbiton Group of the Work Opportunities Company, 'Workoco'. Workoco have created a 7-week programme for professionals called '6 Steps from Preparation to Opportunity'. The first session is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th May at the Surbiton Club in St James's Road. To book please email david@workoco.co.uk for further information. This is a course which may appeal to some, but not be right for others, so there is a degree of selection required. But don't let that put you off. If you are facing a career dilemma and need help, Workoco Kingston-Surbiton might have just what you need.