Anon and on

Recent comments hint it's time end anonymous posting.

In the past we have argued* that the site's low traffic meant that forcing registration would be a barrier to debate. However it's been brought to our attention that a significant minority of users disagree with this decision and so we are willing to experiment with a trail. Therefore for the next few weeks users will be required to log in or register before posting comments.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind users that we do not have the resources to actively monitor comments and are hence reliant on users flagging abuse of our terms for our attention. Though it may be a thankless task, we act on all reports we receive.

We'd also like to remind users to be courteous, respectful and refrain from taunting or insulting behaviour.

*The main reason we allow anonymous posting is that the site doesn't yet generate enough traffic to justify the obstacle of registration. Over ninety-percent of visitors are non-registered users. Though it could be argued that our anonymous posting policy sways these figures, from experience with other sites we don't believe this to have a significant effect.

Anonymous posting allows visitors to post their comments without obstacle and helps maintain a balance of opinion. has no intention of creating an elitist group of members that limits the views expressed to a minority that have registered and logged in. Arguably, even registered users have a high degree of anonymity - it only takes a few minutes to create a new user and there's no compunction for submitting false information.


I can't see the problem in registering to post, you can choose a username in order to maintain your anonymity, e.g. I was not christened 'Surbifan' it is not my real name! LOL!

On a more serious/useful note, perhaps make it clear that comments that are posted via the anonymous option are more subject to moderation etc. than those posted under a registered username, so as to protect the site's owner(s) from any potential legal action.

It'll be difficult for the jeweller to take legal action against 'anonymous', so he will have to opt for the next in line, the admin of this site. If I ran a site I personally wouldn't allow anonymous posts for those very reasons, or if I did I'd have to be continually watching out for & editing out anything that could be construed as libelous.

The traffic hasn't really gone up much either, has it?
Not really many more contributers, eh?

Perhaps the huge increase in traffic was due to a particular topic being the centre of attention, drawing in a lot of debate?
Now the debate has ended (and the losers moved on elsewhere), there's not a lot to talk about, except Surbiton being fab ;-)

Ah well. I still will be me, or my consistent alter ego Setanta!

The whole 'anonymous' point seems to be coming true. Refer you to accusations made about a jewellers and letting agents. I don't blame the jeweller for being annoyed and threatening legal action.

OK, two weeks later: Comments down 90%. 10% of not very much is even less, so if you want any kind of dialogue it seems we need to open up commenting to anonymous users again.

As predicted, registration and logging in is too much of a barrier on a low traffic site like this. We understand the pros and cons and will continue to investigate alternatives and we're open to any suggestions you may have.

Aw Shucks,
It was only an idea ;-)

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