Boris behind re-zone

London Mayor wants to help move Surbiton to Zone 5.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson "wants to help as much as he can" in the campaign to re-zone Kingston and Surbiton stations.

Kingston and Surbiton's MP, Edward Davey, and the Mayor of London’s director of transport, Kulveer Ranger met yesterday.

After the meeting Mr Davey said, "It's now clear that Boris Johnson wants to help as much as he can, and I want to thank the Mayor for his support. Together I think there’s a real chance we could get these two key local stations re-zoned and save some local commuters hundreds of pounds a year."


I think Leslie is right, I want the land of milk and honey!

I think i'll vote Conservative, it does make sense with a Conservative Mayor and potential Conservative Prime Minister, because I don't think the Liberal Democrats would have a Prime Minister.

Hello Adelaide, So having a Tory MP will help as we have a Tory London Mayor. So having a Tory Prime Minister will help even more? That means having a Tory MP, London Mayor and PM would mean Kingston and Surbiton becoming a land of milk and honey as cash flows from the heavens. I suspect that happens in certain Labour areas. Still my vote isn't for buying.

As for 'power.' Boris indeed has power and David Cameron knows he must win the General Election or fall on his sword. Who then steps forward as the Tory saviour? Enter Boris!!

Oh I am calm and my handbag is down. Anonymous asked good questions and you make a good point which is what these comments pages are all about.

Calm down everyone and put your handbags down.

The only fact is that no matter who or what our MP is or does, he has no power. Boris has the power and a Conservative MP would help Kingston's cause even more.

OK 'anonymous' I will try to answer your questions. You can find out more facts from back issues of the local papers to confirm what I say.

Ed Davey MP has been campaigning for years to have our local rail stations rezoned which will result in hundreds of pounds being saved over a year for each commuter. Davey, and to be fair the local Tories, both have campaigns for this issue. In the papers the local Tory leader refused to support Davey's campaign saying he was an ineffective campaigner. Personally I think both sides should work together and by saying this it showed weakness. Boris Johnson during his election said he would support the rezoning proposal, but then appeared to change his mind. At this point I emailed his Mayor campaign website and asked him for a simple 'yes' or 'no' as to whether he supported the rezoning. No reply! So I tried his parliamentary site, and they said they would forward the email on..Still no reply. Eventually received email from a senior aide 'Melissa' who apologised for the lack of response. By now the election was over.....

So now Boris seems to be supporting the rezoning again according to the Comet. If he does then hopefully the campaigns will be considered a success, but watch who takes the credit! Fact is that Ed Davey has been constant in his campaign, whilst Tories have seemed to waver whilst still appearing to support rezoning. I have no doubt they do support it, but we could have done without some of their negative views on the local MP during the campaign.

1. Edward Davey MP campaigns for re-zoning.
2. Local Tories say he is useless campaigner and their leader will not support his campaign.
3. Boris says during election he supports the re-zoning.
4. This causes some confusion amongst local Tories.
5. Mayor Boris then reconsiders his campaign words.
6. Edward Davey still campaigning...
7. Now Mayor Boris says he supports re-zoning to zone 5.
Fact is the Tories seem to have differing views to fit all occasions.
Fact is that Edward Davey was constant in his campaign.
Fact is that local Tory leader was wrong...Davey is effective campaigner

[quote=leslie]1. Edward Davey MP campaigns for re-zoning.
2. Local Tories say he is useless campaigner and their leader will not support his campaign.
3. Boris says during election he supports the re-zoning.
4. This causes some confusion amongst local Tories.
5. Mayor Boris then reconsiders his campaign words.
6. Edward Davey still campaigning...
7. Now Mayor Boris says he supports re-zoning to zone 5.
Fact is the Tories seem to have differing views to fit all occasions.
Fact is that Edward Davey was constant in his campaign.
Fact is that local Tory leader was wrong...Davey is effective campaigner[/quote]

Leslie, what the hell are you on about?

In a nutshell mate, who said what, who did what and how does that effect us?

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