Oyster PAYG coming after all

SWT confirm Surbiton station will accept them before 2010.

Pay-as-you-go Oyster cards are set to be allowed on South West Train services in London after a break-though in talks between Transport for London (TfL) and the train operator.

Despite South West Trains (SWT) originally being hesitant to sign up to pay-as-you-go, preparations are being made at South West Train stations to install the equipment.

A SWT spokesman insisted today that a final agreement had not yet been made and talks were still ongoing with the Association of Train Operating Companies, which represents the 10 firms serving London.


Even though Oyster is supposedly now valid on National Rail services across 9 Greater London zones, someone told me there were still no Oyster readers at Hampton Court station. As I was planning a trip there (PAYG) it would be helpful to know in advance. It’s on the Oyster map as a Zone 6 National Rail station so I can’t think of any reason why this should be the case.

Can you by a monthly travel card that is limited between Surbiton and Waterloo rather than one that is zone specific?

Yes you can buy yor ticket to and fro surbiton to waterloo return but it will be helpful for you to include the zone between it wouldnt cost you anything more plus you can get off and on on the other zones as well during the validity of the monthly pass(-:
Hope this helps

Yes, you can buy a mainline monthly (paper ticket only, not available on Oyster).
Card will be valid from Surbiton to all terminating London Mainline stations, eg Waterloo, London Bridge (via Waterloo East) , Victoria (via Clapham).
It will also be valid at any rail stations in between, eg Wimbledon, Clapham junction.

If you don't need to use tube or bus, or only infrequently, it will save you a fair bit of money, £139.10 versus £182.80 for a monthly zones 1 to 6.
If you use bus tube infrequently, it would be worth using a payg oyster.

(Berrylands figures is £122.90 versus £169.00 ).

I hope this helps.

I agree with the other posters here. DO NOT USE OYSTER PAYG YET, it will cost you more than the equivalent paper ticket.

I made an off-peak journey yesterday, starting and ending at Surbiton. The journey involved one tube journey and a train ride from Charing Cross to Waterloo East as well as the two train journeys. The total debited to my card was almost £15 -TWICE THE COST of a £7.50 all zones travelcard.

It is a shame as it is so convenient, but they obviously rushed it out too quickly.

I'll bet it's all the negative press they've been getting for being so rubbish.

just a quick oyster question: Is Oyster working now in Surbiton as Im getting bored with travel cards! And does this only work from Surbiton towards london or could I use it to get from Surbiton down to T.D or Hampton Court?

yes, you CAN use PAYG to TD and Hampton Court, they are still within the zones, but they are the only ones. If you take any other route (towards Hinchley Wood, for example, it won't work)

Yes, it works from Surbiton, but not at any stations outside of the London zones. Surbiton is the last station in zone 6, so you cannot use the Oyster on any southbound services.

I have used it once or twice, but I have heard a lot of reports about people being overcharged. If you get a train from Surbiton to Waterloo, use the tubes a fews times and then get a train back to Surbiton, my understanding is that the total charge should be limited to the £7.50 cost of a travelcard. I have heard of people being charged £10+ for an off-peak day's travel.

I hope it does work properly, as it is so much more convenient than paper tickets.

Talking about overcharing, how about this: in the last week of December I renewed my seven-day season ticket Surbiton to Waterloo. I was actually sold a Zone2-Zone 6 seven day ticket, which I did not notice, but which would not allow me to exit through the new ticket barriers at Waterloo on the second day of using that ticket. I had to pay the extra for Clapham Junction to Waterloo and returning that evening. On arrival back at Surbiton station I asked if the ticket could be topped-up to include Zone 1 but was told this was not possible. I would have to claim a refund and purchase a new ticket. The ticket agent completed the refund form for me and entered the amount of £30.40 on the form to be rsfunded and told me that it would be paid directly into my bank account (I had paid by debit card). Ten days later I checked my bank account and say that £13.60 had been refunded. I went to Surbiton station to ask why there was such a discrepancy. They said they could not answer but gave me the number of SWT Customer Services to contact, which I did. I was eventually (three phone calls later) told that the amount to be refunded had been calculated on the basis that I had used the ticket for two days and the full peak ticket of £8.40 had been deducted from the refund. When I queried this, on the basis that whilst I am quite happy that two days' worth of travel should not have been refunded, by my calculation that shaould have been £30.40 divided by 7 times 2 = £8.68, I was told to put this in writing. This I have done (on 26 Jan) but to date have not received a reply. Perhaps they have had difficulty getting into work because the trains are not running due to the weather (note the subtle irony here!). This is an absolute rip-off! Whilst the amount is minimal, the principle is scandalous and I would urge other travellers to beware of this scam.

Doubt it. It's never bothered them before.

Great news, unless you don't intend to get a travelcard and only need to get to Waterloo. My understanding is that PAYG won't include rail only tickets.

Be aware of overcharging on PAYG. I was overcharged £3.50 when travelling to Amersham via Richmond and Rayners Lane because 'the system' assumed I had travelled via Piccadilly Circus in zone 1. Obtaining a refund was a lengthy process.
I think SWT is the last TOC to adopt PAYG and therefore PAYG should work on all rail journeys within the TfL zones once SWT participate. The term 'rail' can be used to refer to TOCs, Tramlink, DLR, London Overground and London Underground.
Once you have reached the one day Travelcard cap the card is valid on all TfL bus routes for which no zones exist but remember that there is also a peak hour Travelcard for cards used before 09.30 Mondays to Fridays.

I should add that Oyster PAYG is not valid on the Heathrow Express (probably the most exoensive trains in the world) nor on Heathrow Connect between West Drayton and Heathrow Central although these services are free between Heathrow Central and Terminals 4 & 5.
An anomally I discovered on Tramlink is that the first touch-in was valid for one hour as I found out when changing tram lines at East Croydon. Touching in again here after arriving from Wimbledon revealed the message 'seek assistance' on the reader. A revenue inspector explained the one hour validity which allows customers to change to different tram lines.
Touch in is the official TfL jargon ; they become quite touchy if you refer to swiping in and out!

It's a start.
At least with my Berrylands to London season ticket I'll be able to take the occasional Surbiton train without getting rugby tackled at the exit.

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