Surbiton Farmers’ Market’s Got Talent

Forget Ashleigh and Pudsey. The winners of Britain’s Got Talent were outshone this weekend by Surbiton’s own home-grown stars as local singers and musicians took to the stage.

Surbiton Farmers’ Market’s Got Talent saw 11 acts competing for the chance to play at the spring and summer markets in Maple Road, and win a grand trophy and box of market goodies. It was standing room only at Gordon Bennett Bar + Kitchen in Maple Road on Sunday afternoon (May 13) as friends and family turned out to cheer on the contestants.

Singer songwriter Hannah White took the top prize with the first-ever performance of Pain and I, her own composition, which stunned the audience and proved most popular with the judges EastEnders actor Dave Spinx, local musician Rolando and the market’s Cheryl Kuit.

Tolworth mum Hannah, 32, has been writing and playing songs all her life and over the past five years has performed at venues and festivals across Europe. Her acoustic album, Poetry, is available from Amazon and iTunes. Hannah’s next date will be at the next Farmers’ Market which runs from 9am to 1pm this Saturday (May 19) on Maple Road.

Second prize went to Egidio Fedele, a classical guitarist who has travelled extensively around Europe giving solo concerts and playing with various orchestras and chamber music groups. Since moving to London a year ago, he now plays and teaches world music.

In third place were local duo Josh Burrows and Martha Christofou, just 14 and 13 years old, who performed an acoustic twist on Jessie J’s Price Tag.

Among the contestants was 76-year-old Karl Prinz who, in 1969, appeared on Opportunity Knocks with Hughie Green for 10 weeks, and subsequently travelled the world, appearing on TV in 14 countries and touring Australia, South Africa, Canada and the US. Karl wowed the audience with songs from the musical, Oklahoma.

‘What an afternoon,’ said organiser David Jacobson. ‘From young singer songwriters to local school children, from a world-class classical guitarist to a star from the 60s, each performance blew the audience away. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much talent in one room. Everyone was spellbound. Never mind Britain’s Got Talent, Surbiton has it in spades!’

Other contestants will play at the award-winning community market, held on the third Saturday of the month, in the coming months.

For more information on Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market, email, visit or find us on Facebook at Surbiton Farmers’ Market.


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