Liberal Democrats storm Kingston local elections with 18 gains

The Liberal Democrats have regained control of Kingston Council, taking a host of seats from the Conservatives.

They won 37 seats, to the Tories' 8.

Previously there were 24 Conservative, 16 Lib Dem, two Labour and two Kingston Independent Residents Group (KIRG) councillors.

Conservative leader and former leader of the council Kevin Davis retained his seat in Old Malden ward, joined by two other Conservatives. He had represented the ward with two councillors from KIRG, Mary Clark and David Fraser, who both defected from the Tories since the last election. It was a disappointing debut for KIRG, which failed to win a single seat and only returned 2 per cent of the vote.

The Lib Dems won the two seats Labour held in Norbiton, which contains the Cambridge Road Estate, leaving Labour with no seats. They made gains in Tudor, Chessington North and Hook (both one); Berrylands and Norbiton (both two); and Beverley, Alexandra, Canbury and St James (three).

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Election Results

2018 Borough Election: Alexandra Ward
Candidate Party Votessort icon Elected
BEYNON, Mark Liberal Democrats 2,005 Elected
FOULDER-HUGHES, Sam Liberal Democrats 1,992 Elected
SUMNER, Sharron Liberal Democrats 1,787 Elected
HUDSON, Richard John Conservative Party 1,217
HAYES, Chris Conservative Party 1,117
PUDDY, Thomas Robert Conservative Party 1,038
SRISARAVANAPAVAAN, Kris Labour Party 423
KEARNEY, Stephen Laurence Labour Party 346
MARSDEN, Robin McKellar Labour Party 321
2018 Borough Election: Berrylands Ward
Candidate Party Votessort icon Elected
ABRAHAM, Sushila Liberal Democrats 2,057 Elected
SWEENEY, John Liberal Democrats 2,030 Elected
SCHAPER, Anita Margare Liberal Democrats 2,005 Elected
HARDING, Claire Antoni Conservative Party 1,032
HEAD, Mike Conservative Party 1,014
ROGERS, Nicholas James Conservative Party 946
BROWNLIE, Sarah-Jane Labour Party 345
BROWNLIE, Rob Labour Party 326
HERBERT, Nannette Labour Party 285
EAKIN, Oliver Marcus Your Kingston Independent Residents Group Candidate 210
WHITMARSH, Kate Green Party 180
ROBINSON, Marley Green Party 168
WHITWORTH, Peter Green Party 96
2018 Borough Election: St Marks Ward
Candidate Party Votessort icon Elected
GREEN, Liz Shard Liberal Democrats 1,933 Elected
WHITE, Diane Liberal Democrats 1,837 Elected
YOGANATHAN, Mylvaganam Yogan Liberal Democrats 1,783 Elected
WILSON, Ian Alistair Conservative Party 704
PATON, Calum John Conservative Party 640
PETERS, John Michael Conservative Party 636
COLEMAN, Kezia Elizabeth Labour Party 499
AUSTIN, Phil Labour Party 491
O'CONNOR, Caoilte Niam Declan Labour Party 404
JONES, Kate Green Party 179
GOODACRE, Patrick Green Party 160
BERNARD, Patrick Green Party 144
2018 Borough Election: Surbiton Hill Ward
Candidate Party Votessort icon Elected
HOLT, Alison Liberal Democrats 2,286 Elected
GANDER, Hilary Liberal Democrats 2,285 Elected
SELF, Malcolm Liberal Democrats 2,102 Elected
KUMPESON, Lucky Nithyalakshmy Conservative Party 862
PARSONS SMALL, Mimi Claire Conservative Party 833
SUCKLING, Colin Anthony Terence Conservative Party 796
BYRNE, Johnnie Labour Party 348
FIRTH, Michael Green Party 294
COTTINGTON, David Labour Party 280
FREEDMAN, Max Labour Party 248
GRIFFIN*, Sheila Betty Labour Party