Tim Witherspoon Opens New YMCA Surbiton gym

im Witherspoon cuts the ribbon at Y+ Fitness Surbiton
YMCA CEO Richard James and Tim Witherspoon
Tim Witherspoon and YMCA members, guests and staff

YMCA Surbiton celebrated the launch of its newly refurbished and equipped gym on Friday with the help of twice World Champion boxer Tim Witherspoon.

A long time supporter of the YMCA both here and back in his hometown of Philadelphia, Tim tried out some of the new equipment, chatted with gym members and guests before cutting the ribbon to officially open the gym.

A frequent visitor to England on trips to visit his daughter, Shania London Witherspoon, Tim often stays at YMCA Surbiton working out in the gym and using the café:

“I stayed here once when my people couldn’t find me a hotel room. I liked the atmosphere. The staff are brilliant, lots of smiles for everyone and help for the people who are here trying to move forward with their lives. The YMCA did a lot for me when I was growing up and so I’m happy to help launch the new gym.”

Y+ Fitness at YMCA Surbiton has undergone a major upgrade with equipment replaced with brand new machines supplied by industry leaders Precor. Working out will be more enjoyable with the new cardio theatre system which means there are individual TV screens and a media hub on most machines.

It’s YMCA London South West's most extensive gym upgrade to date and they are delighted to offer first class equipment that is accessible to everyone – as well as affordable memberships, you can use the gym or take any one of the 50+ classes we run each week on a ‘Pay As You Go’ basis. As a social enterprise, surpluses from Y+ Fitness help support the work of the YMCA in the community.

Resident Champion Tim Witherwspoon gave the equipment the thumbs up:

All the new equipment is a good move. I’m sure it’s going to bring lots of new faces to the YMCA to see what’s going on.”

Visit www.ymcalsw.org/sites/yplus to find out more or call into the gym for a look around..


I've been a member for about four years and have never had a problem. I find it really friendly and well-equipped and have certainly never felt it was unsafe. In fact, I think it is probably friendlier than most gyms!

I was looking for gym to join in Surbiton and came across this article about the newly refurbished YMCA. I know the YMCA has a bit of a reputation and wanted to know if anyone has experience using the gym and can comment on their facilities. Would also like to know if changing/shower facilities are clean and well maintained if lockers are safe.

I like it, but I'm hardly impartial because I work for the YMCA! If you go to our website www.ymcalsw.org, use the 'Contact Us' form and mention this comment along with your name and address, I will send you a free pass to you so you can try it for yourself. Offer good for a week...

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