Teenage heroin dealer arrested

Richmond Legemah, 17, from east London, was found with 48 packages of crack cocaine and 16 packages of heroin after an operation involving police and residents of Victoria Avenue where the dealing took place.

Update: Teenager convicted

In response to the arrests, a public meeting was held in Surbiton for residents to discuss tackling crime in the area with the police and with local MP Edward Davey. As a result of the public meeting, Mr Davey is holding a conference this month on Pro-social Behaviour which he hopes will identify how the community can encourage good behaviour rather than always having to tackle bad behaviour.

Read more in the Surrey Comet...


If users can get drugs legally and there is no need for dealers surely this will eliminate at least 50% of the problem.

Then all the attention can focus on the lowlife users and with a zero tolerance of anti social behaviour they can be locked up or put to work in the service of local authorities,in a chain gang if necessary.

It is quite unaccepable that law abiding socially responsible citizens should ever have to put up with deliberately anti social behaviour.Sadly our brave Bobbies seem confined to desk duties compiling figures for state instead of being unleashed to deal with crime of all description.

The concept of human rights should never apply to scum who forgo this privilige in their pusuit of gratuitous anti social mayhem.They must be taken off the streets and regular offenders locked up for a very long time.

Fun? Grow up fast! Or die at the hands of dealers...

A many sided dimensional world of users! People who use for fun. what a load of rubbish....criminals the lot of them! I WILL rule all of them out of my world, scum that they are.

Perhaps when you've seen a girl being held up, obviously ill, not given any care by her so-called friends who would let her choke on her own vomit, you might not see it as FUN !!

If it's FUN then maybe we shouldn't spend so much money on treating drug addicts. Maybe we should send them to an amusement park....oh what joy we could all have tripping over their dead bodies.

So in this many sided world, what shall we allow? What shall we tolerate? How many people will die in your fun filled world of users before all you sympathisers wake up!!

A user, a minor one, still provides the dealers with money. What do you think they do with this money...oh yes, go on the rides at the park! These people have links with other organisations who mutually provide money, drugs, and in the case of the Madrid Bombings , explosives!


You are looking at 1 side of a many dimensional world of users... there are people who use on occasion or sometimes even semi regularly for fun... don't rule them out as a crowd...

Just legalise drugs then there is no need for dealers,it is also possible that less drugs would be consumed as is it not much fun if its legal.

Admittedly BMW dealerships might suffer but no more people would die from drug related disease than currently and other crime such as mugging would drop as the cost of legal drugs would be much less.

If we are really worried why dont our troops in Afghanistan wipe out all the poppy fields?

"Fun" It's not fun for the people living next door to these people whether drugs are legal or not in the future.
Tell the people who have been mugged to fund a drug habit that it's..fun!
Tell the parents of children threatened by druggies that it's....fun!
Tell the people harassed by beggars on the streets of Surbiton who are funding their habit that it's...fun!

Try living next door to these people. The loud music in the middle of the night because these scum don't have to get up in the morning for work, because they don't work. They sleep most of the day before going out to fund their habit.
Try living next door to these people because they like to shout, swear and fight. Try explaining to a child why someone has accused another of being a paedophile!
Try not to be living on your nerves as you hear people going around the back of the house, shouting up to their mates in the middle of the night near a child's bedroom.
Try living in a place where I have called 999 many times.
Try living in a place where a dead body was found just before Christmas.


This is just the first. so all scumbags, layabouts, beggars, drunks, and scrougers beware!!

The people are going to take back THEIR streets!!

If you have a problem then tell the police, ward councillors and MP....why? Because your problem maybe part of a greater jigsaw. Your piece can help rid us of these vermin!

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