Grim future for commuter fares

SWT Ticket

Government memo shows £400 price rise by 2010 for annual pass.

From 2010 the cost of a season ticket will be based on which zone the starting station is in rather than its distance from the central London terminus.

About 50,000 people - such as those at the inner edge of a zone - will be hundreds of pounds worse off, although the same number could see a small reduction in the cost of their season ticket.


Edward Davie's brigade were outside the station handing out flyers r.e. his petition. You can sign it via his website @

It's a complete racket and pretty damn expensive. It's not like I want to visit London on the weekend after having travelled up and down every work day in complete discomfort. It's also impossible to get a daily ticket "as and when I want one" without queueing up for half an hour.

Saying that, having moved to an Oyster monthly allows me the smugness to not bother looking for my ticket when the inspector comes around .. "Can you read my oystrer card?" Nope .. on he walks. So if you want to jump the fare, just claim it's on oyster. (But be prepared to leap the gates!)

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