SWT makeover for bad service

South West Trains have anounced their Open Network (ON) initiative that's intended to give their train service a facelift.

Though £1.5 million is being spent, no extra services are being introduced. The Transport for London concept is being piloted in Kingston, Norbiton and New Malden though presently they have no intention to include Surbiton.

The scheme's purpose is to retune peoples thinking of the service giving it more of an London Underground feel through rebranding and advertising, though it's unlikely people will be too impressed with the unchanged services once they try them.

It's already recieved severe criticism from local MP Edward Davey who said, 'People want more frequent services and we have had a big step backwards. No matter how much they advertise it, they can't get round the essential point; we need less spin and more services.'

Read more in the Kingston Guardian...


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