Train strike still on for Friday and Monday

SWT plan to lay on special service during ASLEF / RMT action for September 8th and 11th.

The dispute centres over disagreement over the use of taxis by Waterloo based drivers and the alleged unsafe use of managers to drive trains during previous industrial action. Talks remain in deadlock.

A special train service manned by SWT managers will run from Hampton Court to London Waterloo via Surbiton. No trains will be stopping at Berrlyands station.

SWT's proposed Surbiton timetable (PDF)

From the South West Trains website:

The strikes will run from 00:01 to 23:59. Strike day services will start and finish earlier than the normal timetable.

If you can avoid travelling in the peak periods you are advised to do so, as services during these key commuting times are likely to be extremely busy.

Outside of the peak dedicated buses will link many other stations with no train services into these core routes. In all more than 300 bus services will provide local shuttles, links into other train services and bookable express services direct to London Waterloo.

Find out more from South West Trains and ASLEF...

See also: live train departures

Were you affected by last week's train strike or do you plan take advantage of an extra long weekend off work?


Have you any idea why they are striking or is this just your Surbiton landed gentry method of dealing itinerant workers??

just a Surbiton working class prole speaking,I dont care why they are striking.
if they wont work get people in who will

Need a no strike clause.
Quite unacceptable to disrupt working folks so much or recruit Polish drivers etc immediately and sack all the persistent offenders with no right to benefits for 5 years.

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