Council's primary school placement shortages cause frustration.
Leading coach, motivational speaker and NLP trainer Jonathan Bowder is teaming up with Cancer research and Claremont Natural Healing Centre in order to deliver a very special event that may change your life, entitled 'Empowering Surbiton'. Jonathan will be delivering a powerful, fast moving and fun blend of motivational teaching and workshops, designed to equip attendees with advanced communication skills as well as allowing them to challenge and eradicate any unhelpful limiting beliefs that are holding them back.
Perform’s drama, dance and singing weekly workshops are a fun-packed mix of confidence-building games, energetic dances and catchy songs exclusively for 4-8 year olds.
This April, our themed workshops set off into the heart of The Jungle
on a fearless expedition to save Snow, the last surviving white tiger.
All interested children are entitled to a Free Trial Session.
Perform Surbiton – Tuesdays 4-5pm & 5-6pm
Surbiton Hill Methodist Church Hall
39 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AF
will see the launch of a fortnightly drop in internet club aimed at the over 50's. The club will be run in co-operation with Kingston U3A and Age Concern Kingston.
There will be a small charge of £1 per visit. This is not a 'taught' session but it will be somewhere to get help and advice on the internet, email or any other PC quandaries. New members are welcome but more will be gained if the rudiments of basic computer skills, (see courses above), have been acquired. So come along, learn new skills, and make new friends.
Moving on from the basics of computer use, this session covers simple website searching, using the toolbars. (Knowledge of using the mouse and locating programme start ups will be helpful).
To register for a course please ask at the enquiry desk. These sessions cost £1, to be paid at the beginning of each session.
Recommended post basic training for those comfortable with using the internet - the Libraries Virtual Training Suite.
A course designed to cover the basics of using a computer, especially the mouse.
The third session of the computer course including basic tasks in Word using the file and formatting menus. Tutored by Alex Webb. Booking is essential, please register at the enquiries desk.