
12 years ago...

Hi - I am new to the area. Can anyone recommend a good hair dresser in Surbiton that they trust ?


I recommend Headmasters Surbiton because it is a very professional and friendly salon. My stylist and colourist is Siobhan and she always listens to what I say and gives me good advice. I always get compliments when I've had my hair done by her. All the staff are polite and pleasant and give excellent customer service. I am never without a steady supply of coffee and magazines. Having my hair styled here is a relaxing and fun experience which I would recommend to anyone looking for committed and trustworthy hair professsionals.

I’ve had their high level stylist called Sian for my cut and another stylist for my colour but both so useless with bad attitude and rude! colour was completely different to what she showed me on their colour book and cut was done in less than 15 minutes with no care all in a rush due to having a few people walking in at the same time for their offer appointments, they love to bump up their prices when they want, she quoted me one price when I called but charged me an extra £56 at the end! This is probably the most useless headmasters i’ve ever been to! i noticed when i sat on my chair there was me and about 3 other people sitting having foils on their hair which I thought they were customers but as soon as people started coming in they got up and i noticed they were the stylists sitting as customers to make them look busy! Their ½ price offer has been running for over a year now and I get it almost every day on my car and see them handing out vouchers where is usually offers are only for a short time when they’re quiet but obviously they’re quiet every day so that explains what we got here! Now i’ve searched around online i noticed others are saying the same thing, Avoid it at any cost!

I think annam must be the owner of Headmasters, her review is too perfect, it sounds like an advertisement... the staff look scary to me when I walk past, my daughter had a bad experience in there, the girl didn't even section her long hair before they cut it, so she complained to Head Office and got a free haircut in another branch. Leave Headmasters well alone, you have been warned !

Hi, I just found the Quick Cuts mentioned a few weeks ago, but unfortunately the guy who cut my hair was very surly, not chatty as you would expect, didin't even ask me where I was going on my holidays ... cut was OK but nothing to write home about. Any more ideas anyone ??

Have been to Alvina's in Berrylands. Very pleased with the results and reasonable prices.

Are Alvina's trendy ? I wouldn't want to have my hair done and come out all waves and curls although I am an OAP !


I have been to hair by Mitch - very unprofessional, awful hair cut and style would never go back again
I have been to Headmasters first cut awful took her 3 hours to cut hair! 2nd cut very good no complaints, 3rd cut and colour - colour (red) washed out after 1 week leaving my hair a nasty pink colour - not going back
I have been to Icon in Kingston - good hair cuts but staff are very arrogant and look down at anyone who is not alternative!!
I have been recommended by 2 friends to try Firefly in Hampton court - I've not been yet.
If anyone else can recomment anywhere? I may try Toni and Guy in Surbiton...?

I'm surprised you had a bad cut at Mitch. If you had gone back and complained I have always found them very helpful and I am sure they would have sorted it out for you. See Kookie next time, if you try there again, she's very good and very friendly as well. And no, I don't work for them! Don't go to Archie's in Maple Road by the way, not a friendly atmosphere and never busy, I wonder why.

For a good colour, try MITCH, next to the Black Lion pub in Brighton Road by the traffic lights. Good ambience, very friendly, they make you feel at home. Plenty of coffee as well ! For a good cut try the little shop in the arcade next to Holland & Barrett, it is a Quick Cut type of place, a dry cut is £7.50 and the style keeps in for months.

Worth noting that the Holland & Barrett one is in Kingston, just in case she wanders around Surbiton looking for it!

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