Good Hairdressers?!

15 years ago...

Hi all

Can anyone recommend a good hairdresser in Surbiton?
I need a good cut and someone who can do me a nice style - but don't want to pay extortionate prices

Any ideas?


I've had cut and colour done at Essensuals and Garrett & Jones. At both places, I was charged more than I was quoted even though I made sure to ask for the price beforehand. Essensuals charged way more. I wouldn't go back to either place. Garret & Jones atmosphere is too busy and hectic - too many girls standing around gossiping.

I recently took my daughter to Poi on Fleece Road, Long Ditton which seemed nice and it's quieter than the places in Surbiton. I might try it myself next time or maybe Hair by Mitch as Poi don't do colour.

My cut at Shimi wasn't anything special and the £48 price tag was unexpected as it wasn't exactly a restyle, just a tidy up.
I am also a student which I made rather clear, I was party to no recessions so I can't imagine who is, overall, my purse is very bruised...

[quote=Anonymous]My cut at Shimi wasn't anything special and the £48 price tag was unexpected as it wasn't exactly a restyle, just a tidy up.
I am also a student which I made rather clear, I was party to no recessions so I can't imagine who is, overall, my purse is very bruised...[/quote]

Party to no recessions???? do you mean concessions?

yes, yes,

terribly sorry to have made such a hilarious mistake.

[quote] Party to no recessions???? do you mean concessions?[/quote]

No she's a student, She’s .. 'party to no recessions' ;@)

Although I appreciate what you are saying is fantastically funny, and we're all feeling a bit hard done by right now, I have just got back from an eleven hour shift at work to keep myself afloat whilst at Uni, I will do the same tomorrow and possibly the next day and I have less hours now than I did earlier in the year because business isn't as great.

So sadly, even though I'm a student, the recession does exist.

Try Hair by Mitch on the Brighton Road, the salon is out of this world and Mitch is wonderful. I think they have free parking too! 0208 390 0104 has just opened.

Mitch has been in the area for ages and is very good.

Shimi on St Mark's Hill is very good.

Brilliant - thanks for your help!

Shimi are great. Ask for Emilie.

She is very good and about £30

Essensuals on Victoria Road seems OK (albeit I go in for gents cuts and have been visiting the Essensuals chain for about 5 years now - various salons).

At the moment, on Mon-Thurs it's 20% off and a free hair treatment (until end of February) - I think!

I highly recommend Shimi on St Mark's Hill. They do various pricing structures for cut and blow dry from £25-£45 and they are very very good. Shimi herself is £45 but she is so worth it! They also do lots of discounts for new clients.

Emile has left and gone freelance. Sorry don't know how to get hold of her.

Shimi is well worth the money and for those of you who say you didn't know the price tag, find it hard to believe as I'm always told the cost when I ring. Receptionist, fantastic as is the rest of the girls (and one boy) in the shop.

So don't delay, go and get your hair done by Shimi.

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