Vatican dismisses 20 years of Surbiton apparitions.
The Vatican has issues a crushing rejection to Surbiton resident Patricia De Menezes, 67, appeals for formal recognition by the Pope.
Archbishop Angelo Amato, the Congregation's secretary, said that the message that she claims to have received about the "martyrdom of all the innocent children deliberately killed before birth" was highly suspect.
"Given the supposed revelations which ground the spirituality of the Community of Divine Innocence are highly questionable, it follows that the community's spirituality is flawed at its root,” he said.
Mrs De Menezes said she began hearing divine messages while cycling near her home in Surbiton, and then saw visions of Mary and Jesus.
logically speaking, No one chooses to go to hell, God sends them there by his command in Matthew 25. I mean if someone really had a choice, they would choose eternal youth in a warm climate on earth to enjoy the company of other young people.
Not really mocking but able to spot total nonsense,just as the Vatican obviously has.
Dear Poppy & Anonymous,
It is a well known phrase that 'God loves a trier', but you appear to be making very little effort to comprehend the issues of killing unborn babies, or to enlighten us as to the apparently unshakable knowledge substanciating your mockery of this issue.
The first point I think you will understand, is that a woman who has devoted a large amount of her life to an activity that has kindness, love and selflessness almost tatoo-ed on her, has been dismissed by the Vatican(on insubstancial grounds).
The second is that if we alienate God by killing vulnerable unborn babies (1/3 pop of England has been killed since 1968 in tortuous ways) we have a duty of care to ourselves to be aware when institutions who proclaim themselves as moral guardians contradict persons who proclaim nothing but the Catholic Faith.
The other points go on, but pray/make an effort(knock...) and God will sort it out(and the door will be opened:)
All the best, Gallileo.
The whereabouts of the souls of the unborn "a very real issue". You're joking, right...?
Lets see it has taken 20 years and complete openness on the part of Mrs De Menezes and full cooperation. What is suspect is the Vatican decision to abandon Limbo and this seems to be the very strange logic behind this decision. The position of Aborted is as follows
1/ They have souls created by God
2/ They aren't Baptised therefor are not members of the Church and remain in Original SDin (baptism removes this)
3/ They haven't attained the age of Reason and therefor they have no capacity for exercising free will.
4/ Martyrdom has always included this Baptism by Blood.
5/ If they are not in Heaven, they cannot be in Purgatory sincethey have no oppurtunity for free will sin. This leaves Hell!
I suggest Vatican begins to think again because without a Limbo where are the soul of these aborted babies?
It isn't Mrs De Menezes that has a problem here it is an decision made on indecision! This brings Confusion to a very real issue without any contrary logical answer.
The Vatican in this case is prevaricating!! Mrs De Menezes (whom I Don't know) seems to have posed a very real question and recieved not a rebuttal but a we don't know answer! Either the Vatican can answer the Fate of these souls or if it doesn't! Until such times there can be No condemnation or refutation. Ok If Mrs De Menzes is wrong what is the Truth? If you have no answer then better silence than make a fool of yourself
First of all, Hell is a chosen destination by the damned...God has no part in it. He wishes to save all, but if one chooses to reject Him, there is no other recourse...hence the use of free will. The very meaning of the name 'Hell' is the absence of God...and He would not choose to send anyone there, it is their own choice!
If one has not been Baptized by WATER, as in the case of an aborted fetus, the exercise of free will does not enter into the choice of death, it is true...but that child receives Baptism by the shedding of his/her BLOOD. Therefore, the Baptism is wholly valid in God's eyes...just as a 'born' infant goes to Heaven if he/she is Baptized and dies before reaching the age of reason. That infant had no choice in his/her own Baptism, either ~ and is entitled to the Beatific Vision by reason of never having committed a serious sin.
Your statement that an aborted child would be destined for Hell is completely and most fundamentally flawed.
The Holy Father, as usual, is completely correct, and obligated as the Vicar of Christ, to make this logical decision in this case.
I would suggest you re-read what you have written...and see if you can spot your mistake.
Crikey,where do all the followers of other older religions go or does Christianity now have precedence over all other faiths?
Sounds like a monopoly to me.
Do folks really believe all this stuff?
That would be an ecumenical matter!
It's called discernment.
Amazing, if someone sees a UFO people think they're either mistaken or a nutter. If they see Jesus, the Pope gets to decide.
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