News archive

Format: 2025-01-13
Format: 2025-01-13

Surbiton's Award Winning Station

It's great for parking your bike.

The London Cycling Campaign awarded Kingston Borough Council a 'Cycling Oscar' in their Annual General Meeting last week. Surbiton Station was judged the 'Best Cycle Facility' for it's double-decker cycle racks.


Surbiton plumbing business sold for 57 million pounds

Centrica, owners of British Gas, have bought Surbiton-based Dyno-Rod from it's founder Jim Zockoll.

The deal earns Zockoll a private windfall of over £49 million. The 130 employees at the Maple Road office and 162 franchises are expected this year to create revenues of over £13m and predicted pre-tax profits of over £6m.

Read more in Ireland Online...

That they called The Rising Sun

The recently derelict Rising Sun pub in Villiers Avenue has now been completely destroyed my arsonists.

Though no-one was injured, tens of firefighters took over four hours to quell the blaze which gutted the 100-year-old pub. Police are suspicious regarding the cause of the fire as firefighters report that it was started in two places in the basement using flamable liquids. An investigation is underway.

The pub has been closed since January whilst the site owners await planning permission to build flats.

Read more in The Kingston Guardian...

God told me to do it

150 years ago this week, a Surbiton man claimed God visited him in a dream.

God told Thomas Philpott, a professional printer, to start a newspaper: The Surrey Comet. This weekend's festival will include a wreath laying ceremony by the local paper's current editor.

Read more in The Surrey Comet...

12th Annual Surbiton Festival

Surbiton Festival

Surbitonians take to the streets this Saturday.

Programme for Saturday 25th September

10.00am Opening Ceremony
by his Worshipful The Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames at the Junction of St. Andrew's Rd and Victoria Road
10.00am - 4.00pm Street Market & Entertainments
Stalls the length of Victoria Road
11.00am - 4.00pm 'Building a Community'
Exhibition at St Andrew's Church, St Andrew's Road
11.00am Wreath Laying Service

Police Follow Crime Trail

A tell-tale trail of paint leads to death threat for Surbiton police.

Alerted by the fire brigade, the police followed a trail of paint to the Alfriston flat of Mark Thomas. The paint had been flung over him during an earlier incident where he sustained an injury.

Police knocked on his door whereupon he threatened to kill them with a knife.

Thomas has been remanded in custody awaiting sentencing having been charged with affray.

Read more in the Kingston Guardian...

Surbiton Skipper Adrift at Sea for Seven Days

After 24 hours without food and water, a day longer he and his crew may have died.

After running into difficulties while travelling from Southern Ireland to France, David Faulkner and his crew of four were forced to abandon their converted fishing boat and take to their life raft. Seven terrifying days later they were rescued by a Cornish Coastguard helicopter, after managing to call emergency services on a mobile phone.

Read more in The Newquay Voice and The Guardian...

Surbiton Postman Found Stealing Letters

Accused of stealing customers credit cards while working at Villiers Road Delivery Office.

Arrested two weeks ago after being caught by an internal investigation, the Post Office employee is thought to have acquired thousands of pounds worth of items.

Read more in the Kingston Guardian...

More trains for Surbiton

Radical new timetable leaving many with longer journey times may benefit Surbiton commuters.

From December 12th, South West Trains intend to make fundmental changes to train times on many of their services, with reportedly longer times for many routes.

Read more in The Ealing Times...

Estate Agent Ram Rage

Four-wheel-drive smashes into Surbiton shop window.

The driver swerved into the estate agents' shop front office, seriously injuring a father and son waiting at a near-by bus stop.

Earlier rumours that the driver was angered by the Victoria Road estate agents have not been confirmed.

Read more in the Kingston Guardian...