News archive

Format: 2024-05-02
Format: 2024-05-02

Berrylands trial halves landfill waste

Fortnightly collections set for whole borough.

Pay-as-you-go cars coming to Surbiton

For Rent sign

Rent and ride parking bays approved for next April.

Travel firm folds

Model jumbo jet

Victoria Road's Avent Garde Travel gone to dogs.

Time to move Surbiton

Local MPs ask OffRail to consider moving station to London zone 5.

Victoria Park petition dismissed

Residents proposal for locked gates fobbed off by council.

Council's rubbish survey

Kingston Council conducts online survey of waste and recycling collection.

Virgin Mary visions a fraud

Vatican dismisses 20 years of Surbiton apparitions.

No go for Southborough development

Sunrise loose appeal to build old peoples home.

Award winning guide dog dead

Owner suspects poisoning.

Bike burglar back on the run

Bike locks

ASBO and suspended sentence couldn't stop him.